Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh 3 - Trường tiểu học Văn Yên

 Period 1+ 2:


 A. Aims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to know the content of the textbook of grade 3 and the methods of learning English.

B. Content.

 I. Presentation

1. Warm up. (Greetings)

2. Content of Let,s Go 1A

- There are 4 units

- Each unit:There are 7 parts: Let/ s talk, let/s sing, let/ s learn, let/ s learn some more, let/ s move, let/ s listen and let/ s review.

a. Let/ s talk: Functional dialogue

b. Let/ s sing: Interactive song based on the dialogue

c. Let/ s learn: New grammatical structure.

d. Let/ s learn some more: Related grammatical structure.

e. Let /s move: Classroom commands and action verbs.

f. Let/ s listen: Listening test and unit review.

g. Let/ s review: Futher review after every two units.


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udents to do exercises:
a) Part A: Jumbled words.
1. b k l a c : black 6. e l y o l w : yellow
2. r o b n w : brown 7. u l e b : blue
3. n p k i : pink 8. p p e r u l : purple 
4. d r e : red 9. e r e g : green
5. n a r g o e :orange 10. y a r g : gray
b) Part B: Complete the following words and then color 
III. Homework:
Tuesday, November 22nd 2010.
Period 25 : Unit 2: Let/s learn (p4 – c ).
A. Airms: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice talking about color using adjectives.
B. Content:
I. Presentation:
1. Warm up: ( jumbled word ).
2. Modelsentences:
 What color is this ?
 It/s orange .
II. Practice:
gets sts to practice in groups / open and closed pairs
T correct
III. Further practice:
gets sts to do exercises in student/s book .
T corrects and gives some marks.
IV. Homework:-Make 5 senctences using adjectives of color.
 -Prepare new lesson.
 Page 25
Tuesday,December 24th 2008.
Period 26 : Unit 2 : Let/s learn ( The black cat song ) 
A. Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to know how to sing a song “The black cat song”.
B. Content :
I . Presentation :
1 . Warm up : ( review old lesson )
 S1: What color is this ?
 S2: It/s red
T corrects and give some marks.
2 . Preteach vocabulary :
 Grass ( n ) : cỏ.
 Sky – skies : bầu trời.
 Eye(s) : mắt, đôi mắt.
 Cloud(s) : đám mây.
Checking : (what and where) .
3. Set the scene: Listening tape “ The black cat song”.
T: reading “The black cat song”
S: listening to the teacher and repeat each sentence.
T: sings each sentence.
S: listening and repeating.
Listening tape “The black cat song” many times.
II. Practice :-in groups work.
III. Homework : - Learn by heart vocabulary.
 - Practice singing at home fluently
 Page 26
Thursday, December 4th 2008.
Period 27 : Unit 2: Let/s learn some more ( P1 ).
Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be abe to contract: “ What is this? - It is a/ an” with “ What color is this ? – It is + adj ” .
Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( brainstorm ).
- devices class in to 2 groups and asks sts to come to the board and write.
 2. Diologue:
 Lan: What is this ?
 Mai: It is a book .
 Lan: What color is this ?
 Mai: It is red.
practice reading in groups / in pairs.
T corrects.
Form: What + is + this ? – It + is + a / an + N( danh từ ) .
 What + color + is + this ? - It + is + adj ( tính từ ) .
II. Practice : 1. Realia :
 2. Word cues:
III. Homework:
Wednesday, December 10th 2008.
Period 28: Unit 2: Let/s learn some more ( p2 ) .
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice talking about 
Color of objects with “ this is + a / an + adj + N ”.
B . Content : b b 
I . Presentation : b
1. Warm up : ( review )
- T hangs a picture and asks sts to review the structures they have learnt:
 What is this ? - It is a pen .
 What color is this ? - It is red .
T corrects and give some marks .
2 . Model sentence :
 This is a yellow book .
 This is an orange ruler .
practice reading.
Form: This is + a/ an + adj (màu sắc)+ N(đồ vât / con vật ) 
Use : (dùng để giới thiệu một đồ vật/con vật có màu sắc ở gần ).
II . Practice :
Realia :
gets sts to practice using the real things .
T corrects.
Cards : ( from 1 to 5 ).
III .Homework :
Do exercise A in work book .
Prepare new lesson.
Monday, December 6th 2010.
Period 29 : Unit 2 : Let/s learn some more ( P3 ).
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practce talking about many color of objects with “this is a red and yellow book ”
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( review old lesson ).
 - a black cat .. This is a black cat .
 - an orange pen .. This is an orange pen .
- T calls 2 sts come to the board .
- T corrects and gives some marks .
2 . Modelsentence :
 This is a red and yellow book .
 This is an orange and blue pen .
Practice reading .
Form : This is + a/ an + adj (màu sắc ) + and + adj (màu sắc) + N (đồ dùng / con vật ) .
Usage: ( dùng để giới thiệu một đồ dùng / con vật có nhiều màu săc ở 
 gần ) .
II . Practice : ( wordcues )
a gray and blue pen This is a gray and blue pen .
an orange and yellow bag This is
a red and white eraser This is...
a black and yellow cat This is..
III . Further practice : ( realia )
IV . Homework : 
Do exercise B ( p 15 )
Prepare new lesson . 
Tuesday, December 7th 2010.
Period 30 : Unit 2 : Let/s learn some more ( A + B ) .
Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to color and write about the objects .
Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( Jumble word ).
2. Review :
 This is a red book . 
 an orange ruler. 
 This is an orange and blue book .
II . Practice :
Color and write : ( A page 14 )
This is a pink pen . 
This is a purple bag .
This is a brown book .
This is a yellow ruler .
Color and write : ( B page 15 ).
III . Further practice : ( Nough and Crosses ).
IV . Homework :
Redo exercises on your notebooks.
Prepare new lesson . 
 Monday, December 13th 2010.
Period 31 : Unit 2 : Let/s learn some more.( learn the alphabet + C ).
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice learning the alphabet with a, b and c .
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1.Warm up : ( sts listen the alphabet )
T : opens the tape and gets sts to listen .
2 . Preteach vocabulary:
 Apple ( n ) : qủa táo .
 Cake ( n ) : bánh ngọt.
Set the scence: Learn the alphabet .
T : reads first.
S : listen and repeat.
T : opens the tape and gets sts to listen.
S : listen .
T : corrects .
II : Practice : ( do part C ) .
T : gets sts to do part C .
S : practise doing C.
T : corrects .
III : Further practice : ( play a game )
IV : Homework : - Learn by heart the alphabet. 
 - Prepare new lesson : Let/s move . 
Tuesday, December 14th 2010.
Period 32: Unit 2 : Let/s move .( P 1 )
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice using commans to ask someone to do something.
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( Play a game : Simon says ) .
T : explain the way playing :
 Do as simon says .
 Not do as I say .
Review : stand up / sitdown / open – close your book .
2. Preteach vocabulary :
 Raise your hand : hãy giơ tay lên .
 Put your hand down : hãy bỏ / đặt tay xuống .
 Take out your book : hãy lấy sách ra .
 Put your book away : hãy cất sách .
II : Practice : ( using picture ) .
T : runs through all pictures .
T : models .
S : practice the same ( S1 : say – S2 : do )
T : corrects and give marks.
III : Further practice : ( trò chơi cướp tranh )
T : devices class in to 2 groups and gets sts to play.
IV : Home work : - Learn by heart vocab .
 - Complete sentences :
a) hand. b) point
c) take out d) stand
 Test for the first term
Time: 35 minutes
Full name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 	Class: 3................ 
Remarks of teacher
ể tạo thành một từ có nghĩa.
1. c i p e n l. 4. u l e b.
2. e r r u l .. 5. e l y o l w
3. d e r 
II. Nối một từ ở cột A với từ ở cột B .
 A B
 Listen your pencil
 Raise to the teacher
 Pick up carefully
 Look at your hand
 Point the board
III. Viết tiếp các câu sau:
1. What/s this ? It/s 
2. How are you ?. I am
3. What color is this ? It/s 
4. This is a pink and . book.
5. Put ..
IV. Diễn đạt sang tiếng anh .
1. Đây là màu gì ? 
2. Bạn có khoẻ không ? 
3. Đây là một cái tẩy màu vàng 
4. Hãy giơ tay lên ! ..
5. Xin chào , Tên mình là LiSa .
Bài kiểm tra định kì cuối kì I – Lớp 5 . Full name :
I. Sắp xếp lại các chữ cái để tạo thành một từ đúng.
1. r a s e r e . 4. o w n b r..
2. i n p k . 5. r a g e n o
3. c i l n e p.
II. Chọn đáp án A, B hay C.
1. What/s this ? It/s eraser.
 A. a B . the C . an
2. How  you ? I/m fine.
 A . are B . is C . am
3. What color is this ? It/s .
 A. eraser B. red C . pen
4. Is this a cat ? Yes , It ..
 A . is B . is not C . not is
5.  out your book !
 A . Raise B . Put C . Take 
III. Viết tiếp các câu sau :
1. Is this a ruler ? No, it isn/t . It is ..
2. What color is this ? It/s.
3. Raise  !
4 . How are you ? I am 
5. This is a yellow and .. cat .
IV. Diễn đạt sang tiếng anh.
1. Đây là màu gì ? .
2. Bạn có khoẻ không ?..................................................................................
3. Đây là một cái tẩy màu đỏ và màu xanh dương
Name:..Class : 3 
 Test: English(2)
 I. Sắp xếp lại các chữ cái để tạo thành một từ đúng.
1. r a s e r e . 3. c i l n e p.
2. i n p k . 5. r a g e n o
II. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng:
 1. This is . . . yellow cat
 a. an b. a	c.the	
 2. This is . . . orange bag
 a. an b. a	c. the	
 3. This is a blue . . . white pen
 a. and b. a	c. an
 4. What’s this? . . . is a book
 a. this b. It	c. I
 5. What color is this ? It’s..
 a. a book b. a pen c. red 
III. Gạch chân từ không cùng loại: : 
 1. Pink Andy Kate John
 2. Pen Book White Ruler
 3. Yellow Blue Brown Eraser 
IV. Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B: 
 A B
 How are you?	 It’s a book 
 What’s your name? Yes, It is 
 What’s this? I’m fine . Thank you
 What color is this? My name’s John 
 Is this apencil? It’s black and pink 
V.Sắp xếp từ thành câu có nghĩa:( 1.Poitns)
 1. is / eraser/ an/this ->.
 2. your/ write/ name ->
VI. Diễn đạt sang tiếng anh :
 1. Đây là màu gì ? 
 2. Bạn có khoẻ không ? 
 3. Đõy là cặp màu cam và màu vàng..
 Monday, December 20st 2010.
Period 33: Unit 2 : Let/s move ( P 2 ). 
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice using commans to ask someone to do something.
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( Play a game : Simon says ) .
T : explain the way playing :
 Do as simon says .
 Not do as I say .
Review : Raise your hand / Take out your book / put your book away .
Preteach vocabulary:
 Pick up your pencil : Hãy cầm bút chì lên .
 Put your pencil down : Hãy bỏ bút chì xuống .
 Write your name : Hãy viết tên của em.
 Look at the board : Hãy nhìn lên bảng .
II : Practice : ( using picture ) .
T : runs through all pictures .
T : models .
S : practice the same ( S1 : say – S2 : do )
T : corrects and give marks.
III : Further practice : ( trò chơi cướp tranh )
T : devices class in to 2 groups and gets sts to play.
IV : Home work : - Learn by heart vocab .
 - Complete sentences :
a) pick.. b) put.
c) write. d) look 
Tuesday , December 21 th 2010.
Period 34 : Unit 2: Let/s listen .
A. Aims: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to listen the tape carefullly to choose the correct answer ( a or b ).
B. Content:
I . Pre listening :
1. Warm up : ( Review )
 T: What is this ?
 S; It/s a pen / an eraser
 T: What coloor is this ?
 S : It/s red / pink 
2. open prediction:
It/s purple ( b )
It/s pink ( a )
What color.( b )
What color..( a )
This is a ..( b )
This is a ( a )
Raise your hand ( a)
Put your book away
II.While listening:
-ask Ss to listen to the record 3 times , check and then gives the key
III. Post listening: ( play a game :Ring the golden bell )
IV. Homework : - Do exercise on page 17.
Monday, December 27th 2010.
Period 35 : Unit 2 : Let/s Review .
A. Aims : By the en of the less0n sts will be able to review the structures 
and vocabulary again.
B. Content :
I. Presentation:
1. Warm up : ( Review nouns and adjectives)
2. Review the structure:
a) Hỏi và trả lời về đồ vật / con vật có màu sắc.
T: What is this ? S: It is a pencil
* New: What/s this ? - It/s a pink pencil.
- gets sts to practise the same
b) Câu hỏi phỏng đoán :
 Is this a desk ? Is this an eraser ?
 Yes, it is No, it isn/t. It is a ruler .
T asks sts to practice in pairs : open / closed pairs .
II : Practice : ( using poster )
T asks sts to do exercises (part B + C on page 19 )
T corrects .
III : Further practice : ( play a game : trò chơi ô chữ )
T ask sts to do part A on page 18 .
T divices class into 2 groups .
T corrects and gives some marks 
IV : Homework : 
-Redo all the exercises and model sentences
-Prepare for the test
 Test for the first term
Time: 35 minutes
Full name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 	Class: 3................ 
Remarks of teacher
I. Em hãy viết những chữ cái còn thiếu vào chỗ trống để tạo thành từ có nghĩa:( 2points)
1. R_ _ er 2. E_ _ser
3. _h_te 4. _ro_n
II. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng: (3 points)
1. This is . . . black cat
 a. an b. a	c.the	
2. This is . . . orange bag
 a. an b. a	c. the	
3. This is a blue . . . white book
 a. and b. a	c. an
4. What’s this? . . . is a pen
 a. this b. It	c. I
5. Stand. . .
 a. down b. away	c. up
6. Raise . . . hand
 a. you b. your	c. I
III. Gạch chân từ không cùng loại: : (1..5 poitns)
1. Pink Andy Kate John
2. Pen Book White Ruler
3. Yellow Blue Brown Eraser 
IV. Nối một câu ở cột A với một câu ở cột B sao cho phù hợp: :( 2.5poits)
 A B
 1. How are you?	 a. It’s a book 
 2. What’s your name? b. Yes, It is 
 3. What’s this? c. I’m fine . Thank you
 4. What color is this? d. My name’s John 
 5. Is this apencil? e. It’s black and pink 
V.Sắp xếp các từ sau thành câu hoàn chỉnh( 1.Poitns) / eraser/ an/this->......................................................................................
2.the/ board/ at/ look->...................................................................................
Tuesday , December 28th 2010 .
 Period 36 : Key and mark for the first term:Class :3
 A . Aims : By the end of the test teacher will be able to check student/s knowledge of unit 1 and 2 that they have learnt in the first term,gets sts to do the test verry well .
 B . Content : ( another page ) .
 C . Keys and marks: 
 I) 2.0 marks .
 1. ruler
 2. white
 3. eraser
 4. brown
 II) 3.0 marks .
 1. b
 2 .a
 3 .a
 4 .b
 5 .c
 6. b
 III) 1.5 mark .
 1 . pink
 2 . white
 3 . eraser 
 IV) 2.5 marks .
 1-c ; 2-d ; 3-a ; 4-e ; 5-b
V.1.0 mark
 1.This is an eraser
 2.Look at the board
 Monday , January 10th 2011 .
Period 37 : Unit 3 : Let/s Talk ( P 1 ) .
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice talking about your friend with “ This is my friend,.”.
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up :
 My friend : Bạn của tôi / mình
 Friend ( n ) : bạn
 Play (v ) : chơi
 Let/s = Let us + V: chúng ta hãy. ( to do something )
2 . Dialogue :
 K John : Hi, Kate . This is my friend, Sarah .
Kate : Hello , Sarah .
Sarah: Hi, Kate .
T : Models / S : practice reading in pairs
T corrects sts/ reading.
 Form : Hi / Hello,..This is + my friend, .
 Meaning : Chào.. Đây là bạn của mình, tên là.
 Usage : Dùng để chào hỏi và giới thiệu bạn của em cho người khác.
II : Practice :
T models
S practice the same ( 3 sts for one group )
T corrects.
III : Homework : - Learn by heart vocab and the form.
 - Do exercise in workbook
 - Prepare new lesson.
Tuesday, January 11th 2011.
Period 38: Unit 3 : Let/s Talk ( P 2 )
A. Aims : By the end of the lesson students will be able to do exercises A + B very well .
B. Content :
I . Presentaton :
1. Warm up : ( Review old lesson )
- T calls sts to come to the board
 S1 : Hi,.This is my friend,
 S2 : Hello,.
 S3 : Hello,.
2. Model Sentence :
 This is my friend, Sarah.
II . Practice:
1. Part A: Connect and write ( Nối và viết ).
- T asks sts to do individully
- T corrects
 This is my friend, Sarah .
 Hi, John
 Hello, Sarah.
III. Further practice : Draw and write ( Part B )
- T asks sts to draw a picture about your friend
- T asks sts to write sentence: This is my friend,
IV. Home work : - Redo exercises on your notebook.
 - Prepare new lesson.
Monday, January 17th 2011.
Priod 39 : Unit 3 : Let/s sing ( P 1 ) .
. Aims: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to sing the song “ This is my friend ” very well and fluently and to practice listening skill.
I. Presentation:
1. Warm up:
 - T gets sts to sing ‘’ How are you‘’
 - T asks sts to come to the board and to practice:
 S1: Hi , Nam. This is my friend, Lan 
 S2: Hello, Lan .
T gives some marks.
2. Sing the song “ This is my friend’’
- T reads first/ Ss listen.
- T teaches one sentence step by step.
- T / S - S / T.
- Ga / Gb - Gb / Ga
- T gets sts to listen the tape.
- T gets sts to sing after the tape.
II. Play a game “ chuyền hoa”
III. Homework :
Learn by heart the song.
Do exercises ( pape21).
Prepare new lesson.
 Tuesday, January 18th 2011.
Priod 40 : Unit 3 : Let/s sing ( P 2 ) .
. A. Aims: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to sing the song “ This is my friend ” again and to practice drawing and writing.
I. Presentation:
1. Warm up:
- T opens the record and gets sts to sing the song “ This is my friend ”.
- T asks sts to sing in group / in pairs
- T corrects .
2. Draw and write :
- T asks sts to draw your friend and write.
- T corrects and gives some marks.
 This is my friend .
 This is my friend , Sarah .
 Hello , Sarah .
 This is my friend , Sarah .
 Hello , Sarah . 
 This is my friend , John .
 Hello , John
 This is my friend , John .
 Hello , John . 
II . Homework :
 - Prepare new lesson .
 Monday, January 24th 2011.
Period 41: Unit 3 : Let/s learn ( P 1 )
A. Aims: By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice using vocabulary with singular noun and plural noun .
B. Content:
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( brain storm)
T gets sts to come to the board and write.
 2. Preteach vocabbulary :
 a crayon - crayons : bút sáp màu .
 a pencil case - pencil cases : hộp bút .
 a table - tables : cái bàn .
 a cassette - casettes : băng cát sét.
 a marker - markers : bút ghi bảng ( bút phốt ) .
 a notobook - notobbooks : quyển vở .
- practice reading 
 II . Homework : - Learn by heart vocabulary .
Prepare new lesson .
 Tuesday, January 25th 2011.
Period 42: Unit 3 : Let/ s learn ( P 2) .
A. Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice asking and answering about plural noun with “ What are these ? – They are ”.
B. Content :
I . Presentation :
1 . Warm up : ( Review old lesson )
- T calls sts to com to the board and asks sts to change in to plural noun :
 a crayon..
 a pen
 a book.
 an eraser .
 a marker .
- T asks : What is this ? 
- S answer: It is a / an 
2 . Model sentence :
 What are these ?
 They are crayons (They are = They/ re )
Form : What + are + these ? - They + are + N(s )
II. Practice : ( Wordcues ) .
cassettes 4. tables
pencil cases 5. cats
markers 6. books
III. Further practice : ( Realia )
IV. Homework : - Learn by heart the form.
 - do exercises in your notebook.
 - prepare new lesson .
 Tuesday, February 8 th 2011.
Period 43: Unit 3 : Let/s learn ( P 3 – A + B ).
A. Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice doing exercises in student/s book very well .
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1 . Warm up : ( Jumble word ).
 r c o y n a crayon .
 a r k m e r marker .
 b t a l e .. table .
 c i l e n p c a s e . pencil case .
 n o b k t e o k . notebook .
2. Review lesson :
- T asks : What are these ?
- S answer : They are pens .
- gets sts to practice in pairs .
II .Practice :
1. Circle ( Khoanh tròn ) 
T ask sts to do exercises (part A on page 23 )
T corrects .
2 .Connect and write ( nối và viết ) .
 T ask sts to do exercises (part B on page 23 )
T corrects .
 II . Homework :- do exercises in your notebook.
 - prepare new lesson .
Period 44 : Monday, February 15th 2011
 Unit 3 : Let/s learn ( P 4 ) .
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to practice introducing
about objects with : “ This is a/ an ..” and “ These are ” using singular noun and plural noun .
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
 1. Warm up : ( Review old lesson )
 2. Model sentences : ( using realia ) .
 This is a crayon .
 These are crayons .
Practice reading .
T corrects .
Form : 1, This is + a/ an + N(singular ) .
 2, These + are + N (plural ) .
Use : ( 1 ) : Giới thiệu một đồ vật hoặc một con vật .
 ( 2 ) : Giới thiệu nhiều đồ vật hoặc nhiều con vật .( từ 2 trở lên ) . 
II : Practice : ( wordcues ) .
T : runs through all words . 1. markers 6 . crayons
T : models . 2. table 7. pen
S : practice the same . 3. eraser 8. books 
T : corrects and give marks. 4. pencils 9. cats 
III : Further practice : ( Realia ).
- gets sts to practice using your real things ( pen, ruler, book, chair,..)
IV : Home work : - Learn by heart vocab .
 - Make 5 sentences with the form . 
 - Prepare new lesson .
Tuesday, February 16 th 2011.
Period 45 : Unit 3 : Let/s learn some more ( counting 1 – 10 + A ) .
A . Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to count the number from 1 to 10 fluently. 
B . Content :
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( greeting ) .
2. Presentation :( using cards ) .
 One : số 1. six : số 6.
 Two: số 2. seven : số 7.
 Three : số 3. eight : số 8.
 Four : số 4. nine : số 9
 Five : số 5 . ten : số 10.
practice reading .
T corrects .
 II . Practice : ( using cards ) .
T gives out the numbers and gets sts to practice
S look at the cards and practice reading the number.
T corrects and gives some marks .
 III . Further practice : ( A page 24 ) .
T asks sts to complete and match 
 IV . Homework :
Learn by heart vocab.
Redo exercise on your notebook
Prepare new lesson .
Tuesday, February 16th 2011.
Period 46 : Unit 3 : Let/s learn some more ( Practice + B ) .
A. Aims : By the end of the lesson sts will be able to ask and answer about object with “ How many + ”.
B . Content : 
I . Presentation :
1. Warm up : ( Review lesson )
- T gets sts t

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